Welcome to Psychology 1010!

Our first course meeting will be on Monday, September 11, in Curtis Lecture Hall E. At that time I will introduce myself and the members of the course team, and I will explain more about the work that we will be doing and the structure of our meetings.

On the website you will find both the Course Outline and the Reading Schedule for the course. For each meeting I will post an outline of the comments I make in class and a list of discussion questions that we will consider in small groups. Also, you can also expect to see announcements here on the blog about activities in the course, answers to frequently asked questions, and comments about topics or ideas I forgotten to mention during the class meeting. I hope the website will prove to be a valuable resource for you and that the course will prove to be an excellent experience.

While you are here today, please have a look around. In addition to the course-specific material I have mentioned, you will find links to a number of different resources, blogs, and podcasts relevant to Psychology in general. Also, because I have used this website for some previous offerings of Intro Psych, you can see many posts from those courses simply by scrolling down through the blog.

I look forward to meeting everyone in the course soon,
