2016-17 Reading List for Cultural Psychology

Orientation to Cultural Psychology

Arnett, J. J. (2008). The neglected 95%: Why American Psychology needs to become less American. American Psychologist, 63(7), 602-614.

Gjerde, P. F. (2004). Culture, power, and experience: Toward a person-centered cultural psychology. Human Development, 47(3), 138–157.

Greenfield, P. M. (2000). Three approaches to the psychology of culture: Where do they come from? Where can they go? Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 3(3), 223-240.

Heine, S. J., & Ruby, M. B. (2010). Cultural Psychology. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, 1(2), 254-266.

Sinha, D. (2002). Culture and Psychology: Perspective of Cross-Cultural Psychology. Psychology and Developing Societies, 14(1), 11-25.

Cultural Phenomena – what we seek to describe and explain

Examples of cultures

Hanley, L. (2016). Respectable: The Experience of Class. London: Allen Lane. (Introduction and Chapter 1: You’re Not Supposed To)

Perlstein, D. (2016). Class. In A. J. Angulo (ed), Miseducation: A History of Ignorance-Making in America and Abroad (pp. 123-139). Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press.

Steinberg, M. (1992). Moral Communities: The Culture of Class Relations in the Russian Printing Industry, 1867-1907. Berkeley: University of California Press. (Chapter 3: Workers’ Community)

Beliefs and meaning systems

Regarding women:

Chen, X. F., & Cheung, F. M. (2011). Feminist Psychology in China. In A. Rutherford, R. Capdevila, V. Undurti, I. Palmary (eds), Handbook of International Feminisms: Perspectives on Psychology, Women, Culture, and Rights (pp. 269-292). New York: Springer.

Regarding families:

Mayer, B., Trommsdorff, G., Kagitcibasi, C., & Mishra, R. C. (2012). Family models of independence/interdependence and their intergenerational similarity in Germany, Turkey, and India. Family Science, 3(1), 64–74.

Regarding health:

Adams, G., Salter, P. S. (2007). Health Psychology in African settings: A cultural-psychological analysis. Journal of Health Psychology, 12(3), 539-551.

Also see Watters and Ting articles, which relate to beliefs and meanings regarding health

Cultural aspects of cognition, emotion, perception

Bhatia, S. (2016). Book review. Understanding emotion in Chinese culture: Thinking through Psychology, by Louise Sundararajan. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 36(4), 256-259.

Spencer-Rodgers, J., Williams, M. J., and Peng, K. (2010). Cultural differences in expectations of change and tolerance for contradiction: A decade of empirical research. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 14(3), 296-312.



Fivush, R., Habermas, T., Waters, T., & Zaman, W. (2011). The making of autobiographical memory: Intersections of culture, narratives and identity. International Journal of Psychology, 46(5), 321-334.

Moghaddam, F. (2005). Great Ideas in Psychology: A Cultural and Historical Introduction. Oxford, UK: Oneworld Publications. (Chapter 20: Social Constructionism)

Rogoff, B. (2003). The Cultural Nature of Human Development. New York: Oxford University Press. (Chapter 7: Thinking with the Tools and Institutions of Culture)


Seligman, R., Choudhury, S., & Kirmayer, L. J. (2015). Locating culture in the brain and in the world: From social categories to the ecology of mind. In J. Y. Chiao, S. Li, R. Seligman, & R. Turner, The Oxford Handbook of Cultural Neuroscience (pp. 3–20). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.


Berry, J. W. (2003). Conceptual approaches to acculturation. In K. M. Chun, P. B. Organista, & G. Marin (eds), Acculturation: Advances in theory, measurement, and applied research (pp 17-37). Washington, DC: APA. 

Dixon, J., Durrheim, K., & Tredoux, C. (2005). Beyond the optimal contact strategy: A reality check for the contact hypothesis. American Psychologist, 60(7), 697-711.

Markus, H. R., & Conner, A. (2013). Clash! How to Thrive in a Multicultural World. New York: Hudson Street Press. (Chapter 2: A Spin through the Culture Cycle)


Watters, E. (2010). Crazy Like Us: The Globalization of the American Psyche. New York: Free Press. (Chapter 2: The Wave that Brought PTSD to Sri Lanka)

Indigenous Psychologies – Psychology as a cultural object

Ting, R. S. K. (2012). The worldviews of healing traditions in the East and West: Implications for Psychology of Religion. Pastoral Psychology, 61, 759-782.

Also see Bhatia and Cheng articles, which relate to indigenous psychologies

Cultures of Education

Bruner, J. (1996). The Culture of Education. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. (Section III of Chapter 1: Culture, Mind, and Education).

Cheng, L., & Xu, N. (2011). The complexity of Chinese pedagogic discourse. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 43(5), 606–614.

Graff, G. (2003). Clueless in Academe: How Schooling Obscures the Life of the Mind. New Haven: Yale University Press. (Introduction: In the Dark All Eggheads are Gray)

Ladson-Billings, G. (1994). The dreamkeepers: Successful teachers of African-American children. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. (Chapter 4: Culturally relevant teaching)

Tapp, J. (2015). Framing the curriculum for participation: a Bernsteinian perspective on academic literacies. Teaching in Higher Education, 20(7), 711-722.